Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Stop! And admire nature beauty

I remember one business trip to New Zealand. In a flight, an elderly lady that sat beside given me an important advice, "In the midst of your hectic life, remember to smell the roses, and spend time with your family"..... Simple and yet profound words, have always been in my mind since.

I love nature photography. Especially on flowers and insects. I guess the important thing is really to enjoy what you are doing, and that alone make all the different in whatever you embark on. Besides, when we stop and smell the roses, we're reminded of God's blessings. We think about the good things God is doing in our lives, rather than our troubles. All of sudden, your perspective of life changes.

I do know there is a world of difference between a great photograph and a mediocre snapshot. I'm still far from being an expert in this area, however I certainly aspire to improve on my skill.

Here are some flower shots I have taken recently at Botanic Garden in Singapore. I'm sure with some patient and more practices, I can make it better :)

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